Wednesday, 23 September 2015

How to deploy phonegap to android device

When deploying phonegap project to device, my old android device was not recognized (Nexus S, Android os 4.1.2)

I checked Developer Option >> Enable USB Debug, but still adb returned no device.

I get to know that I have to install Google USB Driver to catch my phone.

Then my phone showed up.
Now when I run the following, it doesn't go to emulator any more but goes directly to the phone! It's because my phone is connected with USB cable.

C:\Users\matthew.oh\Dropbox\my-app\hello\platforms\android>phonegap run android

You can run below also. I guess it's samething. Choose a simple one.

C:\Users\matthew.oh\Dropbox\my-app\hello\platforms\android>adb install build/outputs/apk/android-debug.apk


The message.html shows nothing because it didn't have WebAPI codes in there yet.

<The below is needed when your dubugging WepAPI URL is different from Live url>

You have to both update WebAPI and phonegap's message.html to deploy properly in my case. This is because my WepAPI URL had cross domain issue.

Copy any source code change from your debugging environment to phongap project folder.
 Make sure that message.html points to the correct URL.

Change WebAPI project to use a correct url and test it compile correctly.

Publish WebAPI project and copy across to live Web API url. You may need to copy across through FTP only the files you changed.

Now, WebAPI is ready to use.
Check if the live url works fine.
Run phone gap again. You don't need to compile again. It seems it builds first and deploy to device.

Voila again!

Friday, 18 September 2015

How to compile Phonegap


Move c:\my-app folder into C:\Users\matthew.oh\Dropbox to work everywhere.

1. Open Visual Studio
2. Open Web site
3. Select folder, C:\Users\matthew.oh\Dropbox\my-app
Now you can edit  html and js etc.

4. To compile app, open cmd
5. Move to the app folder

6. Type in
phonegap build android
phonegap run android

7. After a while (takes sometime to build in first time), you will see below.
8. When you compile in dos cmd, there is no way to scale (You can scale in android SDK, but this hello example you created as phone gap app in cmd. Android SDK, I could import phone gap app, but I could not edit/compile in the SDK)

9. Alt + Space to move the emulator
10. Because you installed the badge plugin, you can run it.

1. Install dropbox (go to dropbox home page, download)
2. Open terminal
3. Mac + Space, type in terminal
4. /Users/administrator/Dropbox/my-app/hello
5. phonegap run iOS
5. phonegap build ios

2. Open xcode
3. Open Dropbox >> my-app >> hello >> platforms >> iOS >> HelloWorld.xcodeproj
4. Run
5. iOS Simulator pops up 

6. To deply, select your iPhone, and run

7. Enjoy your app in iPhone

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Phonegap install again 2015 09 14

Phonegap install again.

1. install java

I had to add %JAVA_HOME%\bin into path.
2. install android sdk

3. I had to change BIOS (f10 for HP machine) to enable hardware virtualization. And then I had to install the exe file (google it).

Cordova build

Emulator scale

Import phonegap project into Android sdk

Deploy from android sdk to device

It didn't work for me because my work PC didn't recognize my Samsung Note 4.1 Tablet

android phonegap badge icon