Sunday, 26 July 2020

Email manager setup.exe 64bit

How to make setup.exe 64bit

Download HxD hex editor

How to create setup.exe in VS 2017

Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store
>> Just untick the signing,

Outlook.mailitem is not found
Reference >> Assesmlies >> 15.0

Typ 'PDDocument' is not defined
Below 3 files deleted & re-referenced:

  • PDFBox-0.7.3
  • IKVM.GNU.Classpath
  • IKVM.Runtime


Above needs fix.

App.config had the following.
      <add name="AccessConnectionString" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=M:\db2000.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;" />

Current Jet.OLEDB does not work in 64bit:

1. You need to use ACE.OLEDB in App.config
    <add name="AccessConnectionString" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=M:\db2000.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;" />

2. You need to install Access database engine 64bit.

Access connection string

If you try to install different version (64bit) of Access Database Engine on top of MS office 365 (32bit):

System.TypeLoadException: 'Could not load type 'ADODB.FieldsToInternalFieldsMarshaler' from assembly

The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field name: 'Comments'
 INSERT INTO tblItemsHistory (WorkOrderID, OrderVersion, ItemCode,Description,Quantity,Location,SOC, QuantityInt, Comments, CancelledItem)  VALUES ('103225189/70',  '1',  'KIT03',  'KITCHEN REPL ( 3 BED)',  '1.000 EA',  'Kitchen',  'KIT03', 1,  'Kitchen Replacement 600mm Benchtop 3 Bedroom tenant happy for pantry to go in lounge room

  • tblItem
  • tblItemHistory 

required fields:

  • Comments
  • CancelledItem


- Test if current Email Manager (32bit) works in my machine (64bit) office (32bit)
>> works

- Test if new Email Manager (64bit) works in my machine (64bit) office (64bit)
>> works

To chase up with Sonya

- Can you show me email server? (it's hard to read email from Outlook because version changes every time, and settings change. If I can read email directly from email server, it will be better)

Friday, 24 July 2020

How to generate SSL Certificate

  1. go to winhost
  2. SSL Manager
  3. Click green button, 'Generate a new CSR'. This will generate CSR (Certificate s? Request)
  4. Copy CSR

  1. Go to
  2. Product List
  3. Click 'Issue new CSR button'
  4. Paste CSR
  5. Generate
  6. DCV(Domain Control Validation) email is sent to

  1. Go to winhost >> Email
  2. Click link in the email
  3. Paste the password given in the email
  4. They will send you another email with attached SSL
  5. Send the zip file to winhost to install.

How can I check if installed properly?
Winhost >> SSL Cert button on top
Namecheap >> Domain list >> Postive SSL Certificate >> it shows 'Active' (not under progress)

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Email Manager 20101110 V6

How to install Email Manager. 
Updated 2020-07-23

1. Download the latest zip file

2. Run setup.exe

3. Create folder C:\EmailManager and copy some setting files in there.

4. Make sure M drive is connected to have db2000.mdb.

Refer below when errors:

- Logged in the new computer and confirmed Access 2019 version
Microsoft 365 MSO (16.0.13) 64-bit

- Fixed Access 64 bit issue

- Changed Non-Unicode system locale to ‘Korean’ to fix Access ActiveX etc error. 

- Changed Y drive to M drive to make EmailManager work

- Installed EmailManager on PC (shortcut is pinned in Start button).

- Created C:\EmailManager folder to make EmailManager work

- Changed PC Date/Time to AU to avoid EmailManager error.
Region >> Formats >> English (Australia)
Region >> Location >> Australia

- I ran Email Manager and confirmed working, but with no work order emails to process.