Friday, 11 April 2014


After looking at the link below (MVC + WebAPI + SQL), i now finally decide to make a similar page for Schedule.

Business Logic Layer




Thursday, 10 April 2014

MVC basics

If you create a new ASP.NET MVC 3 web application by visual studio 2010, the initial page will show like below.

Why does it show Views\Home\Index.cshtml by default?
It is defined in global.asax.cs.

If you change the route, initial page will show About View.

This is actually the mistake or misconception I have again and again. I was expecting to see the file Home/About.cshtml when I type in url, localhost/Home/About. No way.

What happen is, the url looks up HomeController.cs and About() function. Because it cannot find the function, it returns 'The resource cannot be found' error.

Just type in About() function as below for testing. 

Voila! You are now looking at the view, View\About.cshtml.


Good diagrams:

Friday, 21 February 2014

David's 5 stones

1Sam 17

1. What was hard for David to go for a fight?

2. Describe Goliath's figure in your own language.

3. What did David rely on when fighting? How about Goliath?

4. How did God give David victory? (five stones)

5. Think about 5 stones that God gave to you.


clothes, tie straps

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Jonathan seeking God's will

How God cares the little ones and changes them

Hot Pursuit

1Sam ch13:5-7, 19-22, ch14


Q. What was hard in the Jonathan's making decision to go over to the Philistine outpost?

No soldiers except armor bearer
Numbers of fighters (13:5, 14:2)
No father's allowance (1)
Cliff (4)
All people were hiding (11)

Q. How did Jonathan behave & cope the situation?

(1) come, let's go
(6) nothing can hinder the lord
(10,12) he sought God's will (chose the harder way)
(13) took the troublesome and hard way (cliff climb with hands and feet)

Q. How God bless Jonathan?
(14,15,23) Give victory killing 20 people in 1/2 acre (2km^2)



Saturday, 1 February 2014

Little one series - Boaz

How God cares the little ones and changes them

Ruth 3
3:11, I will do it

Q. What was hard in the Boaz's making decision?

Moabites woman
Buy land + marriage (4:6) - sacrifice of his famine and money
Relatives (2)
Old (10)

Q. How did Boaz behave & treat Ruth?

(10) Treat Ruth nicely without flesh greed
(12) Follow God's rule & order
(14) keep secret and protect Ruth
(15) Give food generously

Q. How God bless Boaz?
Become David's great grand father



Monday, 27 January 2014

Photoshop - useful tips

<Save Selection>

Move selection only:
Select -> Free transform

all layers copy - Ctrl - Shift -C

<Text by path>

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Android - Definition: Activity, Fragments, Intent

Acitivity: user window
Fragments: partitions of Activity
Intent: you navigate between Activities through Intent

Friday, 10 January 2014

Little one series - Moses

How God cares the little ones and changes them

Ex 4:10-18, Deu 34: 10,11

Q. How little was he? (What was his/her weaknesses and problems)?

Slow of speech and tongue (10)
Lack of confidence (13), inferiority (v13, i can't, choose someone else)
Low self esteem.
Lack of faith (12, 13)

Q. How did Jesus meet him and help him?

God's sovereignty for choosing man (v11) - Is it not I, the LORD?
Encouragement - "Now go" (v12)
Anger & Force (v14)
Helping assistant (v14)
Giving him power of performing miracle, which could be better than speaking words (v17)

Q. How did he/she change? What mission did he/she have?
Return to Egypt and bring God's people out (v18)
Moses became the greatest prophet in history (Deu 34:10)



Friday, 3 January 2014

Little one series - Zacchaeus

How God cares the little ones and changes them

Luke 19:1-10

Q. How little was he? (What was his/her weaknesses and problems)?

chief tax collector - could be selfish, mean, probably cheating in making money, sinner (v7)
lonely - no friend (v7), climbed at once (v6) when Jesus called

Q. How did Jesus meet him and helped him?

Knew and called his name (v5)
"I must stay at your house today" - became 'very close' friend to him.
Jesus didn't care about what others say about Zecchaeus (v7)
called him 'son of Abraham', approved his 'salvation'

Q. How did he/she change? What mission did he/she have?

Give half of his possessions to the poor
Pay back 4 times of the amount he cheated - could become a beggar
Become an honest tax collector

Zacchaeus - pure, clean, transparent

<Craft >

Make up down card