Ex 4:10-18, Deu 34: 10,11
Q. How little was he? (What was his/her weaknesses and problems)?
Slow of speech and tongue (10)
Lack of confidence (13), inferiority (v13, i can't, choose someone else)
Low self esteem.
Lack of faith (12, 13)
Q. How did Jesus meet him and help him?
God's sovereignty for choosing man (v11) - Is it not I, the LORD?
Encouragement - "Now go" (v12)
Anger & Force (v14)
Helping assistant (v14)
Giving him power of performing miracle, which could be better than speaking words (v17)
Q. How did he/she change? What mission did he/she have?
Return to Egypt and bring God's people out (v18)
Moses became the greatest prophet in history (Deu 34:10)
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