Sunday, 29 May 2022
WPF tutorial
So easy to release:
- No IIS publish
- No admin permission to install the program
- UI can be easily updated through XAML file.
More tutorials:
I choose the first one.
This tutorial shows TreeView and two ListViews.
Code converted to c# by:
<ListView Name="listView1"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=SelectedItem.SubFolders, ElementName=treeView1, Mode=OneWay}"
Grid.RowSpan="1" />
<ListView Name="listView2"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=SelectedItem.Files, ElementName=treeView1, Mode=OneWay}"
Grid.Row="1" />
Friday, 27 May 2022
visual code + ssh
git bash include my scripts folder
Combination of above two links.
I googled:
bash make my script runnable everywhere
git bash include my scripts folder
Now it works ...
Thursday, 26 May 2022
Good url about dense_rank()
-- In addition to dense_rank(), apply row_number for each row
select *, row_number() over (partition by category_id order by category_id) row_num from (
select category_id, product_id, product_name, list_price, dense_rank() over (partition by category_id order by list_price desc) price_rank from production.products
) t where price_rank < 3;
-- Top 1 record for each category by price
select * from (
select *, row_number() over (partition by category_id order by category_id) row_num from (
select category_id, product_id, product_name, list_price, dense_rank() over (partition by category_id order by list_price desc) price_rank from production.products
) t where price_rank < 3
) t2 where row_num in (1);
Wednesday, 25 May 2022
DevOPs pipeline
Very confusing ...
In this article. Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2020 | Azure DevOps Server 2019 | TFS 2018. A deployment group is a logical set of deployment target machines that have agents installed on each one. |
Monday, 23 May 2022
Azure DevOPs repo
Create a new repo
I couldn't make git push work with DevOps. It just showed below stupid screen with wrong branch 'main' not 'master'.
The below could mismatch. That's fine. You just need to go to the DevOps site and select the correct repo.
- Visual studio >> Git menu >> git global setting
- Visual studio >> File menu >> account setting
Go to Project >> Repo
Select correct one that you created from Visual Studio.
Now all files show.
- Delete .git folder
- Close/reopen visual studio
- Git>> Create a repository
- Select Azure DevOps
- Make the repository name different from the project name, eg, TodoApiMainenance
Add more columns to Todo Web api project
I want to add 4 more columns to the table.
GET Category
Thursday, 19 May 2022
Create shell script reading csv file and inserting SQL Server
Create a shell script
Above link's bcp command options didn't work.
Correct bcp command options could be found in:
Also, make sure you didn't open the csv file.
After changing 'Year' as int type, import had error.
Run script from Informatica
Monday, 16 May 2022
Add a new column Priority to API - PUT
Now updating priority into database
We first need to make Edit button work, then make Arrow button work.
Add Priority value input box
<input type="text" id="edit-priority">
updateItem() {
const item = {
id: parseInt(itemId, 10),
isComplete: document.getElementById('edit-isComplete').checked,
name: document.getElementById('edit-name').value.trim(),
priority: document.getElementById('edit-priority').value.trim(),
no change
no change
All working well.
Now let's update Arrow button.
function increasePriority(id) {
const item = todos.find(item => === id);
console.log('item to increase:', item);
no change
no change
All good, arrow button works.
Now let's sort by priority desc.
We just need to sort array data.Below site shows a simple sort function.
function compare( a, b ) {
if ( a.last_nom < b.last_nom ){
return -1;
if ( a.last_nom > b.last_nom ){
return 1;
return 0;
objs.sort( compare );
We can modify it for priority and desc order.
Add a new column Priority to API - GET
I want to add 'Priority' column.
- change database
Priority int column in TodoItems table, default value 0
- change view
function getItems() {
.then(response => response.json())
.then((data) => {
.catch(error => console.error('Unable to get items.', error));
function _displayItems() {
let tdPri = tr.insertCell(2);
let textNodePri = document.createTextNode(item.priority);
- change model
- change controller
TodoItemsController.cs >> no change
When everything is good, GET works and it shows.
When priority is null you have below two errors.
GET https://localhost:7147/api/todoitems 500
site.js:15 Unable to get items. SyntaxError: Unexpected token S in JSON at position 0
If database is bigint and vs code is int, you have below error.
InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int64' to type 'System.Int32'.